City & Guilds


News Article

Will you be there?

Amenity Forum Conference 2017 Thursday 12 October, Pirelli Stadium, Burton on Trent

The Amenity Forum conference and associated exhibition area has become a must attend event for all involved in or with an interest in amenity.  This year’s conference will be held on

Thursday, October 12th   Pirelli Stadium, Burton on Trent.
The title ‘Keeping Britain Moving’ has been chosen to align with the Forum’s ongoing and very successful campaign to communicate to the wider public the important and essential nature of weed, pest and disease management and why it impacts upon every UK citizen.

Once again, the quality and range of speakers is excellent and subjects covered are extremely topical and relevant. A full copy of the conference brochure is available on the amenity forum website at

Delegate rates are again being kept as low as possible at £65 plus VAT.
To book places or for further information, please email

We look forward to seeing you there. 

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