City & Guilds


News Article

Why Amenity Matters

This morning the Amenity Forum have launched a week dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of amenity related activity.

Why Amenity Matters 

Amenity affects all of us, every day of our lives. Whether you are visiting a park, playing golf or football, simply driving to work or taking the train. Without amenity, none of these things would be possible. 

So, what is amenity? Amenity is a sector that ensures that the roads, rails, streets, parks and sports grounds are maintained so that weeds, pest and diseases are controlled in an effective manner. The amenity forum are a UK initiative that promote best practice of weed, pest and disease control within the sector. They encourage safe and healthy amenity areas for the public and high standards.

To find out how amenity affects you, visit our Why Amenity Matters page.

Why Amenity Matters campaign week

On Monday 25th September 2017 Amenity Forum launched our week long Why Amenity Matters campaign. Find out more
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